Living authentically is about being true to ones-self. Making our action and speech in line with our values. Most of us steer off from this trajectory of authenticity, without realizing so. Often out of habit, conditioned behaviors, responses, and avoiding conflict.
But what does it mean to really live authentically....How can we do this?
* Checking in With Our Gut: Does something feel off or disturbing but we let it go and think nothing of it, only to find out later, our body was giving us a signal.
* Sitting in Silence: This practice takes patience but has rippling effects on our ability to receive, feel, listen, and raise awareness. Attending to our inner world, can transform our experience of the outer world.

* Are we buried in thoughts and ideas, but not catalyzing those mental images to flourish? Acknowledging the dreams of our minds, is what has created change and movement on the planet (in regard to human phenomenon, not natures doing).
Native cultures designate a large part of their wisdom and message from dreams. Often seen as a conduit for communication with spirit or ones "true self" dreams reveal that which the consious mind often will not.
*Expressing Yourself: Moving energy and ideas into form can be done through multiple outlets: writing, dance, art, doing of any kind really. Be true to your imagination and thoughts and visions brewing in your subconscious.
