Another illustration of monocultures impact on ecology and health is in the beloved corn. Corn, the ancient grain worshipped by the Mayans and Aztecs contains heirloom varieties which remain hidden and untouched by what we in the modern world know as corn. The same variety has been dropped onto the planet like raindrops falling to the earth, by the millions, dotting the entire Midwest and covering million of acres of land across the world. It’s a cheap filler, animal feed, and ingredient to make food basically bulkier, cheaper, sweeter. In the meantime, this accomplice has been laced with chemicals such as glyphosate and atrazine among others. The use of these pesticides, is currently under review by the EPA for reduction of mainstream use, and it’s incidental reproach of becoming integrating in surrounding aquatic ecological zones. Once it enters a water body, removing the substance is nearly impossible and it will eventually find its way into a myriad of living organisms. According to EPA. Gov, “ annual usage of 2lbs or less per acre are aloud. The scientific evidence and research being conducted is finally correlating direct ties to the application of such herbicides and pesticides. It has been found in the bodies and cells of biota across the food chain.
Corn people
Did you read the label
When you cracked that cool crisp can of Coca Cola
Never knowing
That genetically engineered corn
Was sown into the soil laced with chemicals
That swam downstream
And was swallowed by the salemaders and trout
That a 10 year old boy caught w his grandpa
Who ate that fish for dinner
washed it down w a can of Coca Cola
w High fructose corn syrup
And later got sick from the fish laced w atrazine
Which Biden approved to be used
On corn and wheat crops
Because we have to feed the masses
And ride the treadmill of capitalisms
insatiabIe appetite
Where numbers and profit margins are on the alter
And the sparkling facade of marketing Charisma
Are the demigods
Blinding us to what lies
within our products
And below our feet
And in the seeds
Of our apples
And our drinking water
