As we approach a tipping point on the planet teetering on a hamster wheel of maxing out our use of natural resources in the name of a certain “quality of life”, i dare not play damsel in distress. No I’m not going down a doomsday apocalyptic tugboat on a slimy river of toxic pollutants, only to deliver my children into a forestless landscape, so they can inhale the fumes of yesterday’s “progress.” Understanding the pattern of development and systems we are currently dependent on, is essential in unraveling a new story. A story which is based on systems that work to enhance biology and it’s purposeful diversity. A story which simultaneously makes humans healthier through connecting them with that natural world. It’s not going back in time, but perhaps utilizing systems that were in place for centuries that worked and incorporating elements into our modern lives.

Can we imagine a new world order where we work alongside the complex interweaving of natures harmony?
I am exploring this new avenue of existence and thinking to carve out new pathways of living and thriving on the planet without destroying as we evolve. The destruction and chronic toxifying of waterways and soils has lead us into a health and climate crisis, and our timeline for living the way we are currently is finite base on the current systems in place. I draw my inspiration from people like Paul Hawken, an environmentalist and writer who sees a future possible based on this redesigning of our ways. I draw inspiration from my upbringing, where my father grew the fruits and vegetables that came to our table throughout the seasons and years of my life. He also grew a business in the organic movement in a time when it was in its infancy, and the industrial revolution was in full swing of exploitation. (New Morning Inc)* Organic was what I grew up living and breathing. But, it was and is a concept that goes much deeper than a label on the shelves of markets.