Fresh Organic Arugula (from Small Farm, Stow Mass) over bone broth..
Did you know Arugala can balance glucose levels and reduce blood sugar in the body? Half of Americans are prediabetic. Less ingredients is more medicine to the body.
What is organic and why is it essential
Soil health is the backbone of our ability to thrive on this planet. A soil rich in nutrients and minerals creates bountiful food and plant life. But soils have become depleted due to farming methods that are aimed at maximizing output and production, without any thorough understanding of an ecological framework. Any system that becomes mono is not likely to thrive and be healthful. Diversity is at the core of evolution, even in humans and dogs, genetic diversity creates a stronger gene pool. Monoculture has created soil depletion and a low nutrient dense environment for our food to grow in. The maintenance of soil will only be prolonged with an integration of life forms. This is where the concept of systems comes into play. Pollinators are dependent on certain plants and vicecersa. The use of pesticides and chemicals has decreased our pollinators, and insects which serve the role of enhancing soil health among other things. The loss of pollinators has greater impact on biology than we recognize. It has already lead to a decrease of almost 5% loss of fruit and vegetables. There is, in turn increased deaths and health issues which are linked to the lack of availability of healthy food. According to research from Harvard University this information draws a direct link to loss of biodiversity and human health. This example is one of many illustrating how the health of our food systems and biota have direct links on human health.